Back-end Developer and Open Source Enthusiast
I'm Sejal Choudhary, a Software Engineer at HSBC. Currently, I'm working on Google Cloud Platform (GCP), especially on the Google Cloud Dataflow. I've been exploring the cloud architecture and expanding my domain from Dataflow to Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), and Google Cloud Platform microservices.
My ambition is to work on different technologies, understand them, and complement my knowledge with practical experience. Ultimately, I believe technology can change the world for the better.
As a developer, I work on the GCP to compute, store and develop the project using hosted services and resources. My main focus is managing various data processing patterns in GCP Dataflow. I develop and run jobs using the Apache Beam libraries in Python. I perform ETL from various file formats into Postgres SQL using Dataflow.
In addition, I'm developing a Proof of Concept on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) to deploy, manage, and scale Docker containerized applications. To monitor and orchestrate the work of pods in a cluster, I'm developing Java and Python APIs.
During the development phase of the Workflow Management System, I worked in the R&D department. I have gained experience with technologies such as Java, Java Servlets, and MySQL. The backend modules that I primarily implemented were Data Retrieval, Data Upload, and Data Validation. In my role, I was specifically responsible for integrating the Document Management System into the application with the conventional file system.
My project involved working on the Admin Panel of a HealthCare website in Python. During my internship, I had the opportunity to gain practical exposure to technologies such as Python, Jenkins, and Selenium. In addition to that, I implemented Job Scheduling with Jenkins to validate the web service and generate test reports. I specifically used the Automation Framework based on Selenium to verify the Providers Module.